Friday, December 31, 2021

Kashmir issue essay

Kashmir issue essay

Pakistan is defeated and the Tashkent Pact is signed. The economy of Kashmir is mainly agricultural based on various kinds of timber, silk, wool, fruit, kashmir issue essay, saffron, walnut, wood, carpets and various other small handicrafts, kashmir issue essay. In Occupied Kashmir, raping of the Muslim girls and women by the armed forces of Hindustan has become common. It has a deep and direct effect on Indo-Pak Relations and peace and prosperity in South Asia. Kashmir problem is the most serious problem that India faces today. So far as the role of Pakistan is concerned, it is of great significance. Kashmir that was usually called the earthly paradise due kashmir issue essay its supreme natural beauty has now become the valley of blood, bullets, bayonets, fire and dead bodies because of the atrocities of the Indian army.

6 Pages, Grade: A

This post contains an Essay on Kashmir Issue with Outline and Quotations for the students of Class 10, Class 12, FSc, B. A, BSc, Graduation, and others. The same essay could be written under the title Essay on Kashmir Issue or Few Lines about Kashmir. There are many other important essays for different Classes are available here as well. Click here for more Essays. Kashmir Conflict is between Kashmir issue essay and Pakistan. Now, this issue is a current affair nowadays and this Essay on Kashmir Problem is very important for exams. Here are 2 essay kashmir issue essay the first one is with outline and quotes kashmir issue essay the second one is simple and easy.

Kashmir is a bone of contention between Pakistan and India, kashmir issue essay. The Kashmir issue is the biggest hindrance in the normalization of relations between Pakistan and India. The two countries have fought two full-fledged wars over this issue. In view of its geopolitical significance, India desired to acquire Kashmir when the partition of the sub-continent became inevitable circumstances when the Kashmiri Muslims revolted against the evil designs of India. Pakistan is of the view that only the people of Kashmir have a right to determine the future of Kashmir.

The UN resolutions of August 13,and January 5,which were accepted both by India and Pakistan provided for the holding a plebiscite under the UN auspices to settle the Kashmir issue. The people of Kashmir have been suffering from inexpressible miseries since The unending curfew, rape cases, torture cells and crushing of their resources are only the slight expression of their miseries. A new hell can be witnessed in this old heaven. In fact, the Kashmiri people along with their Islamic aspirations are fighting for the protection of their political, religious, cultural and economic rights. It is the expression of the entire community. The Indian authorities have failed to understand the core issue and are trying to deal with it as that of law and order.

They link it to terrorism sponsored by Pakistan. The time has come when UNO should play an active role as it has played an Iraq-Kuwait case. The resolutions on Kashmir are yet to be fully implemented. The UNO has lost its repute as peacekeeping and kashmir issue essay body. The unending struggle of the freedom fighters has kashmir issue essay that the will of people cannot be suppressed, kashmir issue essay. It is the moral obligation of the International Community to rescue the innocent Kashmiris from the brutalities, kashmir issue essay, cruelties and atrocities of the occupation army of India. The Muslim Ummah should also come out of its slumber and prove it to the world that Islam is a force which cannot be suppressed. Essay on Importance of Education is also available here.

Kashmir was once said to be a heaven on the earth. But at present, the situation is totally different and the circumstances are worst. In Occupied Kashmir, raping of the Muslim girls and women by the armed forces of Hindustan has become common, kashmir issue essay. The Muslim men and women, and boys and girls are being persecuted to death into the torture cells by the Indian army soldiers, kashmir issue essay. The innocent Kashmiri Muslims are being killed mercilessly on a large scale. In fact, the Valley of Occupied Kashmir has become a slaughter-house of the Kashmiri Muslims.

At present, occupied Kashmir is presenting a terrible spectacle. The U. passed two resolutions in andwhich were accepted both by Pakistan and Hindustan, for the holding of a plebiscite under the supervision of U. to settle the Kashmir issue forever. These two resolutions are still hanging fire. The Western countries are playing the most condemnable role regarding the Kashmir issue, kashmir issue essay. The politicians of these countries seem to be worried about the pollution, caused by smoke and noise, but it is a matter of great regret that they are not paying any attention to the pollution caused by the blood of the innocent Muslims of occupied Kashmir. The Hindustan Government has so far used all the possible tools to crush the freedom movement of the Kashmiri Muslims in their own homeland, kashmir issue essay.

The rulers of Hindustan have so far failed to understand the real problem. The students, the traders, the house-wives, the farmers and the politicians are all one in this freedom-movement. The daily kashmir issue essay of innocent Kashmiris has not demoralized them. It has rather given them a new courage, a new zeal, and new confidence to fight for their rights of self-determination. The Law enforcing Agencies of Hindustan has crippled countless Muslims in the occupied Kashmir. It appears as if Hindustan will never be prepared to recognize the right of self-determination of the Kashmiris as the rulers of Hindustan are not ready to negotiate and solve the Kashmir Issue under Simla Agreement and U.

O resolutions. To conclude, the international community must pressurize Hindustan to accept the justified demand of the Kashmiris. It must impose economic restrictions on Hindustan. It must also use force under U. The time has now come when U. O must play an effective role kashmir issue essay solve the Kashmir issue as it has played in Iraq-Kuwait case, otherwise, it can lose its vitality as peace-keeping and peace-making organization in the world. Your email address will not be published. Home English Essays Essay on Kashmir Issue with Outline and Quotations. Table kashmir issue essay Contents show. Essay on Kashmir Issue and its Solution. More In English Essays.

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Pakistan has always tried peaceful efforts to settle the Kashmir issue. On the other hand, India has always believed in war and escape. Pakistan always claims to settle this issue according to the UNO Resolutions that gives the people of Kashmir a right to decide about their accession. For the last some years, there have been discussions between Pakistan and India to settle the matter amicably. The latest discussions have taken place in July in India. Though no collective decision could be taken, however, there has been a step to settle it. These latest talks are hopeful in the sense that at least there would be an end to war and brutality. Let us hope and pray that the innocent people of Kashmir Will finally win freedom.

What not has been sacrificed by the people of Kashmir? now it is duty of the UNO to take this issue as top priority and play its part effectively to help the people of Kashmir to win long-awaited freedom. No constitution, no court, no law can save liberty when it dies in the hearts and minds of men and women. It is dearly bought, continually paid for and difficult to keep. But the oppressors who uproot the tree of others freedom are eventually crushed by its fall, for the natives never compromise on their liberty and keep striving to breathe again in the air of freedom. The same struggle is going on in the Valley of Kashmir. It is nearly six decades since Kashmir has been a disputed territory due to the unjust and immoral occupation of India on the large part of the Valley.

The people of Kashmir are valiantly fighting against the oppressors and sacrificing their lives for the right of self-determination and liberation. The Indian troops, on the other hand, are violating the human rights by genocide, mass arrests, searches without the warrant, the widespread use of mental and physical tortures, gang rapes, sieges and dismantling of the sacred places, destruction of houses and fields and the infliction of starvation through long curfews. No international organization or world power has so far made any serious and sincere attempt to settle this gravest issue that has been a constant threat not only to regional stability but also to global peace.

Kashmir that was usually called the earthly paradise due to its supreme natural beauty has now become the valley of blood, bullets, bayonets, fire and dead bodies because of the atrocities of the Indian army. The geographical location of Kashmir is tremendously important as it borders on five countries, namely Pakistan, India, China, Russia and Afghanistan. It is situated at the height of feet above the sea level comprising the area of square miles. It has got all four seasons and the climate is bitterly cold in winter and moderates in summer. The economy of Kashmir is mainly agricultural based on various kinds of timber, silk, wool, fruit, saffron, walnut, wood, carpets and various other small handicrafts. Kashmir is also highly rich in the deposition of various minerals, and it is also the catchments area of some famous rivers which flow both in India and Pakistan.

So, the geographical location of Kashmir is of vital significance for both countries. The issue of Kashmir dates back to when the British rulers ironically allowed Gulab Singh to take possession of the state with the large majority of the Muslims therein. It was virtually a despotic era for the Kashmiris and it eventually resulted in Quit Kashmir Movement against the Maharaja in Later, in the unjust partition of the subcontinent Kashmir was not included in Pakistan, rather it was left at the Hindu Maharajas mercy. The people of Kashmir started no-tax agitation which, later on, assumed a militant form.

Having been defeated by the local Muslim population, the Hindu Maharaja invited Indian troops to crush the agitation. India entered the valley and then refused to withdraw her forces and eventually declared Kashmir as an integral part of India. Keeping in view the evil designs of India, Pakistan also deployed her forces in the border regions. This confrontation resulted in the first clash between India and Pakistan in The security Council arranged a ceasefire dividing Kashmir by the Line of Control. In , the United Nations adopted a resolution which speaks:.

But the dispute never came to an end. In , the war again broke out between India and Pakistan. This war lasted for 22 days and it was again stopped by the Security Council. While the third war that was fought in and it was a thoroughly losing experience for Pakistan. It ended with the separation of East Pakistan, and gave way to Simla Agreement which was signed by the then President Bhutto and Premier Indira Gandhi on July 3, The accord speaks of:. But the last three decades have proved that both the Simla Agreement and the United Nations Resolution have nothing to do with the peaceful settlement of Kashmir Issue and have thus become totally invalid. So far as the role of Pakistan is concerned, it is of great significance.

It is also an undeniable fact that all the freedom movements of the world were supported by some friendly countries. As the world organizations like Amnesty International and Red Cross are doing nothing in this regard, the immediate responsibility rests on Pakistan to provide the Kashmiris with moral, material and diplomatic assistance in order to find an honorable and just solution of this problem. Besides this, a large number of Kashmiris are living on the border towns of Rawalpindi, Sialkot, Wazirabad, Gujranwala and Lahore.

Even the national poet of Pakistan Allama Iqbal was basically a Kashmiri. While it was ruled by a Hindu Maharaja, its population was predominantly Muslim. In this fact, lay the real problem, Pakistan claimed it as its own, for it has a predominantly Muslim population. The Hindu Maharaja was still hesitating whether to join India or Pakistan, when Pakistan encouraged her-war like tribes to enter the state. They were supported by regular Pakistan army. Having no other option left to him, the Maharaja acceded to India and urgently requested for help. The accession was endorsed by the popularly elected constituent Assembly of Kashmir. Indian armies were flown over to Srinagar immediately, and the invaders were pushed out of the Kashmir valley.

They could not be thrown out of the rest of the state territory, for to do so would have meant bombing of military bases in Pakistan. As India wanted to avoid an all out war, it complained to the Security Council against Pakistan. Order custom essay Kashmir Issue with free plagiarism report. The U. then made various efforts to settle the dispute peacefully. The true facts thus came to light, and Pakistan was accepted by both the countries. The resolution provided that 1 Pakistan would withdraw all its forces from the state. Time passed, but Pakistan did not withdraw her forces nor did it disband the Azad Kashmir Government. Every year it complained to the U. that was India was oppressing the Kashmir Muslims and the Islam was in danger. On countries occasions, she was guilty of violations of the cease-fire line.

Power polities of the big powers also came in the way of a just solution of this dispute. The rules of Pakistan took to the war path. When the U. did not encourage them in their war-like actions, they turned to China for help. Encouraged by China, they sent infiltrators into Kashmir in Sep. This led to an all out war between India and Pakistan. The Pakistan army was badly defeated and its armory destroyed. However, late Mr. The position at the present is that the armies of the two countries still confront each other along the cease-fire line. While Pakistan continues to demand Kashmir, India declares that the only problem is that the aggressor should be asked to vacate.

Also read: Essay on Kashmir. The people of Kashmir have been struggling for freedom from Indian rule for more than fifty years now, but they still languish under their oppressive regime without an end in sight. Kashmir is a predominantly Muslim region with an almost even split between Hindus and Muslims. It's unclear how the population divide would have been worked out if Kashmir had not joined India during the partition. Still, we know that it includes some of the most scenic sights in Asia, has plentiful natural resources including waterfalls and rivers to rival any other place on earth, yet still struggles with massive poverty as well as violence from both sides.

The state borders Pakistan along its western border while China occupies part of Kashmir's northern side; however, neither country claims sovereignty over all or parts thereof despite territorial disputes. More importantly, travelers hoping to visit are essential facts: it suffers from nearly constant unrest due primarily to terrorism-related activities by separatists. Kashmir is a contemporary example of how people suffer when the world's most powerful nations are involved in their affairs. It began with Maharaja Hari Singh, who illegally decided to join Kashmir as part of India and then acted barbarically against his subjects.

This led Muslims into Pakistan for refuge; Hindus took advantage and entered armed forces on October 26th, , which has been an unending period of struggle since that time-a fate shared by all its inhabitants, including Punjabis, Dogras, Sindhis, or Pathans living there across the country. Also read: Essay on My Favorite Personality.

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