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Essay about my future life

Essay about my future life

Sabrina Heffern BRONZEWentzville, Missouri 2 articles 0 photos 1 comment. wow, I'm essay about my future life an native speaker but I think it is very great essay! To be surrounded by animals every day and being […]. Subscribe to Teen Ink magazine Submit to Teen Ink Find A College Find a Summer Program. The Story of the British Textile Designer, William Morris Essay. But the Navy is a twist because that could change everything. Change anonymous status.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Personal Life — The Application of Psychology in the Future Life. Any subject. Any type of essay. As a professional psychologist who would evaluate, observe and analyze the mental and behavioral processes of others essay about my future life an attempt to diagnose the problem, essay about my future life, I would have to be equally conversant with most of the renowned work of previous scholar in the field in terms of the concept, theories, observation and diagnosis made Corey, I come from a neighborhood that from my own observation has a high rate of divorce and children are highly affected.

For this reason Essay about my future life would like to deal with troubled teens who are between years, essay about my future life, so that I can assist them in coping with the physical changes they are experiencing in their body and the changes they face from their environment. The Id seeks to have instant gratification and should be controlled by the superego which is nurtured by proper guidance from parents and guardians. Conversely when teenagers lack the proper guidance from parents as a result of a divorce then the Id supersedes the superego and they are likely to be involved in early pregnancies, crimes and juvenile behavior. This has in turn made the teenagers to view their future as bleak and they do not wish to be better than what they see all around them; a state of near normlessness.

According to Carl Jung, in his theory of analytical psychology he asserts that the unconscious part of the human mind is the most potent one in their decisions and day to day life Nevid, In this case, in order to understand an individual it is important to also consider their dreams. In application, most teenagers are given a dream diary, where they are expected to write down their dreams and they can be analyzed to get to understand the unconscious part of the person. With this in mind, after graduating I seek to partner with a nearby health facility and offer my services in combating the aforementioned disaster. Teenager are known to be rowdy and seldom get anyone to give them an understanding ear, they are always assumed to be at the rebellious stage and not that they have a problem at home that is making them not to be able to fully adapt to the changes they are experiencing.

Furthermore, young adults need the proper guidance to become responsible adults; being a responsible adult does not just come automatically, it is a product of deliberate actions taken by all who are responsible. In order to be able to understand the teenager and their emotional challenges, it would be eminent to involve the parents and guardians. In this case, parents should be urged to provide their children with the necessary basic needs as much as possible these include food, shelter and clothing. Then they should offer security in terms of safety and in terms of longevity of their relationship Nevid, Once the teenagers feel secure they can easily be able to communicate their emotions and the cognitive challenges can be dealt with accordingly.

Piaget asserts that cognitive development forms the core of any human development as it allows for understanding of knowledge in terms of internal and external environment Corey, The theory is based on the fact that children construct an understanding of the world around them through analyzing the discrepancies that exist between what they are taught by teachers and parents and what they experience firsthand in their immediate environment. In this case, the teachers and parents require teaching by not only words but by actions and in instances where there is a clash between the two; they should take the step of explaining to the children why it is so.

This is to ensure that the children do not believe that it is okay to deviate from what has been taught Nevid, For instance, essay about my future life a parent teaches their children never to be involved in violence, then the child sees the parent getting into a fight with someone who wanted to steal their wallet, essay about my future life, then they should explain that they were just protecting themselves and would never mean to hurt anyone, essay about my future life. An operative aspect can be manipulated to adapt to transformations and changes in the lives of children.

Cognitively children will grow up understanding how to be able to adapt to changes in their lives without acting out or feeling under too much pressure without any outlet. Additionally, essay about my future life, children will learn to evaluate what matters in their lives and what they would rather have and what they would rather change consequently becoming responsible young adults. Behavioral analysis of the teenager can also aid in conditioning them by use of both negative and positive incentives and stimuli. At times teenagers, may have differences in opinions especially with their parents and need to rebel may lead them into engaging in risky sexual and socially aggressive actions.

Counterconditioning is meant to condition them to react calmly in such instances and later on communicate their feelings soberly without jumping to conclusions about their parents. It makes it easy for a parent to be able to understand their children and the challenges that they may be going through. The Erikson psychosocial stages can be used to analyze a young adult and diagnose the core root of a psychological problem that is usually expressed in the form of physical ailments. For instance insomnia, anxiety attacks and loss of the ability to speak can be as a result of psychological issues that have not been solved.

Once resolved by understanding an individual, they can be able to function properly and mend their relationships. With all this knowledge in mind, I do believe that I have enough tools to assist the people in my neighborhood to a brighter and better future. The knowledge will also come in handy when I have my own family and will help me in dealing with different developmental issues and stages that the children will be going through. I also believe that I have a better understanding of myself as the stages in life that am going through. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery, essay about my future life. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails.

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First , I will start with my short term goals, which are in the time period if the next 5 months of my freshman year of high school. In the next 5 months my goal is to get a 4. Storytime- last year my mom told me if I get a 4. And that came true, I graduated Heritage Intermediate School with principals honor roll and I got result and my grades where to perfection. And I kept by bargain of the deal and my mom did to, and that was the year I realized that I just need to work hard to know what I want. This question is often popping up in my mind and frequently asked by my elders.

As my Junior year in high school is starting to fade away and my senior year is soon to come, this question never seem to dim away. I think planning is like an architect designer they take time to bring his image from his mind on to the paper, after they are done it is carefully built to perfection. I love my family and depend on them for many things in my life. As hard as it will be to leave them behind for five months, the time has come for me to leave the nest and learn to be on my own. Everything will be different, I will enter the workforce with superior knowledge on international relationships giving me an edge over others.

The knowledge I will gain from studying abroad will prepare me and propel me into my future career. I would often think about how life would of been different if I would have gone on to graduate with my class and then gone off to college. I would think about those friends from school who were able to do just that, and how I missed them. Most of those friends I never saw again once I became a parent. When I became nineteen I had my third child and was married, I took a two year break and had my fourth child at the age of twenty two, and was on a second marriage. By that time I realized that raising four small children was quite the work, and I also realized that without a degree under my belt, finding a career was a even bigger challenge.

The one thing that I wanted in life was to make my grandparents proud of the person they had raised and for them to see me walk across the stage and graduate with my degree. The doctors gave him 6 months to live and I had 4 more classes to take to graduate with my degree in the Fall of In my plans I would have graduated from high that year and then go on to college to study business administration, and meanwhile get a part-time job as well. Everything happened so fast and in a rush without any stopping what so ever. It felt like I had no say in what was going on. My father had filed for me to reside with him in the states.

To my understanding the paperwork usually takes five years but somehow mine only took one year. Now I say this because my first semester of college was an experience that I disliked. Something that I did wrong was, I only went to class then went home. At the time I felt it was best to give my education all of my attention. It was like this for five days a week from August to December. To improve our communication, maintain date night once a month, and to make our marriage the best we can do. To support each other, and help each other achieve our personal goals. One hobby I have is writing, like I said earlier. Writing for me is like documenting all the important times in my life worth remembering and how I feel about them.

I really want to travel a lot when I get older too. Also they have really beautiful historic buildings with interesting stories. A spontaneous, yet laid back life is perfect for me. Do you know what you want to do with your life? Or did you, and did it turn out as you had hoped or expected? Thank you for sharing this page with a friend! Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about? These links will automatically appear in your email. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know.

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View profile. Hopefully by the time I get a house, I'll have a wife and can start a family. I dream of having a son to carry on the family name. As you can see, I have big plans for my future. I plan to make something of myself, and not to give up. I have a major fear of failure, and I won't let it get to me. My parents expect a lot out of me, and I think I have done a good job so far. My dreams are what keep me going; they are an object for me to strive for. I will obtain that object one day. Continue reading this essay Continue reading. Toggle navigation MegaEssays. Saved Essays. Topics in Paper. Example Essays.

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