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Causes of divorce essay

Causes of divorce essay

I believe that cheating on spouse, having bad communication skill, and expecting too high on spouse are cause to the divorce. Very often young people say that the family is destroyed but they can not say the exact causes of divorce essay. APA-6 MLA-8 Chicago N-B Chicago A-D Harvard. That is why the problem of divorces is the problem of young people, causes of divorce essay. Divorce is a painful phenomenon that leaves marks on a human soul, it is always catastrophe, tragedy that affects people sometimes for years. Consequently, they decided to divorce.

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I hope you will enjoy reading this causes and effects of divorce essay. Also you should definitely visit our website Puressay. comwhich is one of the best essay writing services. There you will find everything you are looking for. However, if there is something you are interested in causes of divorce essay you do not see exactly what you want, in this case contact our team of professional writers and they will provide you with first-class original essay. Causes of divorce in a family issue is relatively new, but already urgent problem. It became widespread only a couple of decades ago. So causes of divorce essay is no need to explain why this essay about divorce has much importance and must be read.

Besides, young generation starts to forget what value family has and why they should try to save it. That is why the problem of divorces is the problem of young people. Of course, there are cases when divorce is necessary, when husband and wife do not respect each other, do not love each other and do not take into consideration the opinion of each other, so in this case a man and a woman in a family are almost enemies. So how can it be possible to avoid divorce in such a family? Is it necessary at all? Trying to save the image of a happy family, parents may hurt emotionally their children. There are about children on a hundred divorced families. And in the most of cases children stay with their mothers.

Besides, more than half of women do not marry for the second time, it means that there is no male influence on a child in the causes of divorce essay of upbringing. And our school much feminized lately can not replace the role of the father in a family. This fact leads to bad consequences. One of the main reasons of unhappy family life and as a consequence of divorce is the fact that future husband and wife do not each other well enough before they decide to get married, causes of divorce essay. When a young man and a young woman with similar opinions and interests meet each other, causes of divorce essay, we can say that they are lucky. However, in most of cases people have to learn to live together, to adapt to family life, causes of divorce essay.

Unfortunately, not everyone has patience, desire and knowledge to do that. In both families husband and wife are talented people. In both families they love each other. But the first family gets divorced, causes of divorce essay, and the second one does not. What did lead to the divorce in the first family? In this family the wife did not see friend in her husband, did not consider him head of the family. She treated him as an enemy and used to think that children were a trap that her husband purposely made to become more successful in the life. So when he studied his postgraduate education, the wife decided to get divorced. In the second family the married couple supported each other.

The wife decided not to chase after the husband. The husband continued to get education while she took café of the family. As a result, the whole family got the benefit, causes of divorce essay, what can not be said about the first one. Instead we can often hear about the competition between husband and wife, that they do not want to give way to their second half. And after that they naively think that they can create happy family and get family happiness. Women after divorce in most of cases do not give birth again. So divorces have negative impact on the demographical situation, causes of divorce essay. Young people so easily decide to get divorced and have very unserious attitude causes of divorce essay the marriage, that it seems that divorce is a new fashion trend, and causes of divorce essay is another unusual cause of divorce.

Nowadays it is so easy to divorce, especially when a couple does not have children. Such a simple way of marriage annulation leads to irresponsible attitude to marriage itself. Fashion in the sphere of family life is very dangerous. And not everyone realizes it. People often hide their own egoism behind love. Most of cases of divorce due to various reasons happen in the cities-millionaires. In such cities the family social control of relatives, grandfathers and grandmothers, neighbors, etc. is less strong. And young people more often and usually without much thinking get married. Also there is much higher number of venal and fictitious marriages, which very soon come to their end, causes of divorce essay. Also many young girls and boys have to get married because they wait for a child.

Very often young people say that the family is destroyed but they can not say the exact reason. Whom did you become in fact? There is another reason that should be mentioned. Everyone knows such a term as marriage of convenience. And everyone understands that the ground of the marriage is not love, but certain benefit of one of the spouses. In such a family in the first years or eve months of marriage the basic rules of mutual respect and moral principles are violated. And it is logically, because what is the base of marriage material interest instead of feelingsthat is the result of marriage.

Conflicts in such a family begin from the very beginning, because there is no love and respect between the couple. People often forget that it is not possible to build happy marriage basing on material interest. Such spouses divorce because they have the material aspect, but the spiritual is absent. What does divorce for the married couple mean? Divorce is a painful phenomenon that leaves marks on a human soul, it is always catastrophe, causes of divorce essay, tragedy that affects people sometimes for years. Divorced spouses sometimes miss each other, feel causes of divorce essay, despite the fact that they were the initiators of divorce and considered their family life unhappy.

Even if they manage to keep good relationships, for a child divorce is always a catastrophe, it is a tragedy for the whole life, because child can be absolutely happy only having both of parents. Besides, scientists discovered that children of divorced parents in their adulthood divorce more often than children raised in full families. Divorce is the process that causes much harm to a child, affects the mental health. Moreover, gils raised without father often begin to hate men in general, causes of divorce essay. Children often start doing what they want, they usually have problems with friends, memory and school.

Most of divorced men and women become supporters of free relationships because of their previous negative family experience. They also are afraid of the repetition of the situation, that is why they do not get married again. So, now you see how much important it is to consider all the possible negative consequences of divorce before taking such a decision. Also young people should understand the whole responsibility when they decide to get married. Anyway, I hope that the situation with divorces will improve soon and that people will be more serious about marriage and family relationships. Toggle navigation. Home Services Blog Order Now Login. Divorce Essay: Causes and Effects.

Divorce in a family Why did not they manage to create happy family? Cause of divorce is adultery of one of the spouses; 3rd place. Cause of divorce is light-minded, thoughtless decision to get married; 4th place. Cause of divorce is living conditions, problems related to them and lack of money; 5th place. Cause of divorce is conflicts in a family because of the parents. The consequences of divorce What does divorce for the married couple mean? Calculate Your Price, causes of divorce essay. Recent posts.

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However, some couples could not maintain their relationship after living together anymore, so they get a divorce which is one of the way to solve the problems between wife and husband. The first significant cause of divorce is infidelity which is the act of being unfaithful to a wife or husband by having other special relationship. As everyone knows, marriage is a relationship based on faith, belief and feelings for each other. When a spouse betrays this trust, it causes pain and suffering to the other partner. In addition, no one wants to share a wife or husband to another person. It is unacceptable to some people, so they could not forgive to their wife or husband if their spouse cheat on them. Due to the pain and the unacceptable when the partner are not faithful, couples decide to divorce to escape each other.

This is why infidelity becomes one of the leading factors cause to divorce. How it works. Another cause of divorce is communication skill. Communication is essential for healthy and lasting relationships, so when couples are lack of communication, it can make them boring and misunderstanding. For example, after more than five years together, my ant and her husband found their marriage on the brink because my ant used of the silent treatment whenever problems arose or whenever she was not satisfied with her husband. She admitted that her poor communication made her husband confuse what she wanted or what she did not want him to do for her, and the distance about feeling between them slowly become bigger.

Consequently, they decided to divorce. In contrast, too much arguing is also destroying a marrige. In fact, arguing is a nomal action in the family life because arguing helps to solve the problem, but some people do not think that. They argue with their spouse just because they want to become a winner eventhough their reason do not make any sense. Among them are different types of conjugal infidelity based on the length of relationships and the key forms of domestic abuse. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Causes of Divorce. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy.

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