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An essay on a house on fire

An essay on a house on fire

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A house on fire. On the evening of last Saturday, we were having a tea party in our house. All of a sudden, the happy atmosphere of the party was disturbed by a loud noise. The guests at the party started running out of the house in great confusion. I came outside and found that one of our neighbors had caught fire. The flames were rising high up towards the sky. Everybody feared that a big fire would spread in the whole colony. We got anxious to bring the fire under control. The wind fanned the flames. People want to put out the fire with buckets full of water and bags of sand. The lady of the house was weeping bitterly, an essay on a house on fire.

Her cries were heart-rending. Her only son was sleeping on the upper story. The fire had not yet reached there. But clouds of smoke were summing out of the window of that room. Going to that story to save the boy meant sure death. I wanted to rush to the help of the injured boy but I had an injured leg. A young boy offered to risk his life. The people put a ladder against the wall. The boy ran up like an arrow. He brought down the child out of the flames. Both the boy and the child were choked with smoke. The fire began to die down. It took two hours to bring it down. The building was reduced to ashes. It was a terrible sight. Our neighbor was in great distress. None could say how the fire broke out.

Some said that the fire was started by some mischievous people in the colony. Others said that it was due to the carelessness of the servant of the house who left a burning cigarette near some clothes. In any case, the owner of the house suffered a heavy loss. But God is thankful there was no loss of life. Everyone praised the young boy for his bravery. Essay No. A House on Fire. It was midnight when the hands of the clock join palms. There was deep silence everywhere. I was enjoying a sound sleep in my room with my younger brother.

All of a sudden, I was awakened by the noise of footsteps outside, an essay on a house on fire. It appeared as if the people were running in the street. I got up and peeped down from the window. I came to know that the house of my friend Roshan was ablaze. I at once hurried to the spot. The house was completely enveloped in flames. A strong wind formed the fire. The flames leaped to the sky giving out the clouds of smoke. There were endless hurry and excitement. Many were busy in bringing buckets of water while others poured it on the fire. I, too, joined them, we tried our best to put out the fire, but all our efforts were in vain.

Soon the whole building with everything in it was burnt to ashes. The fire brigade was rung up. In no time it was there. A crew of active men in brass helmets got to work and the fire was brought under control in half an hour. God be thanked, the neighboring houses were saved. It is said that it was all due to an essay on a house on fire carelessness of the servant who was a heavy smoker. While smoking his pipe, he dozed off to sleep. The burning ashes from the pipe fell down and set fire to the bed. Soon the fire spread in the whole building. The loss was estimated at more than five lakhs. Everyone had sympathy for the affected family. They were shifted to a nearby house and an emergency meeting of all the elders of the colony was called, an essay on a house on fire.

It was decided that the house will be repaired as a joint venture by people. God save everybody from such a calamity but we have to be very vigilant to keep away from such an event and when we face one face it boldly as life is another name of a struggle. A House on fire. I have often heard that smoking is injurious to health. It was, however, last Sunday that I an essay on a house on fire that it could destroy a whole house and endanger the life of the dwellers. Last Sunday, as I got up a bit late in the morning, I heard a loud noise outside in the street. At first, I dismissed it taking it for a noisy brawl between two quarrelsome neighbors who had recently shifted in our street from some other town. The noise, however, was so loud that I could not help going out. To my great surprise, I found the people running towards the eastern side of the street.

They had buckets of water and sand in their hands. As I looked towards the east, I saw tall, forky flames of fire and clouds of smoke. Without wasting a moment, an essay on a house on fire, I rushed towards the side of the flames, an essay on a house on fire. I was greatly shocked to learn that the famous tailor, Mr. It was an essay on a house on fire that Ali being a chain smoker, could not resist smoking even while stitching costly clothes. As a speck of burning cigarette fell on the silk and polyester clothes, they caught fire.

The fire spread to the other occupant of the house, Mr. Pritam Kumar who happened to be a cloth merchant and had dumped bundles of cotton, silk, and polyester cloth in his rooms. He like Ali was also a tenant in the house. Needless to say that the fire engulfed the whole house and within a short period of time, not only the costly cloth and stitched clothes but also all the furniture and wood articles such as doors, windows, ventilators, etc. were reduced to ashes. Meanwhile, the landlord also arrived. He beat his breast in vain. I rang up the fire brigade. It came within a few minutes and controlled the fire after a hard struggle of about two hours.

In the evening of last Sunday, I found that the house of our neighborhood caught fire. The flames were rising to the sky. I saw a house on fire. I ran downstairs and reached the place. Many people had collected there. They were running with buckets full of water and bags full of sand. What a terrible scene An essay on a house on fire saw that day! But an essay on a house on fire did prove of much help. A strong wind was blowing. Some cries were heard from inside the house. The house belonged to a doctor. Soon some fire-engines reached the spot. Two firemen entered the burning house. Fortunately, no one was killed.

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Even the thought of losing her, frightened me. I felt as if I was living through the worst nightmare. Grief is the worst feeling in the world. You feel hopeless, scared, angry, frustrated, alone and afraid. Going through a phase in life when you have a feeling of losing someone is hard to accept and it is much harder for an eight years old child. You feel as if the world had stopped and you could never move on in life. It is very painful to accept that you will no longer be able to see someone who was very close to the heart. I was crying while looking at the crowd of people that had clustered around the house by that time. The voices of the people echoed in my ear hauntingly. Their screams and shouts gave rise to my fear.

I was horrified by the siren of the ambulance, the police car and the firefighters, the ringing of the phones of the crowd, the yelling, the cries, the increasing roar of the fire; everything added chaos to that place and frightened me even more. Ghosts of smoke were drifting across the street. I smelled smoke. It was not heavy, but it had a pungent smell. I started to cough as the smoke enfolded me. The air surrounding me was becoming less breathable by the second. My mouth was filled with the bitter taste of the smoke. I wanted a draught of clean air to rinse out my polluted lungs. The cough had aggravated pain in my head. My eyes were becoming swollen and watery.

Soon after, the fire got quite out of control as the whole house was on fire. The firefighters evacuated the street and told everyone to go inside their houses. In a few minutes, the house had been reduced to a pile of rubble, ashes, and smouldering wood and items. There was a rotting smell that took over the whole neighbourhood, like a bad barbeque party gone horribly wrong. The smell was so overpowering that it took almost a week to get it out of my nose. That horrifying night of December still reminds me how valuable a person is in our life. If the firefighters were even one minute late in rescuing Emily, I would have lost my best friend that day. We always make sure that writers follow all your instructions precisely.

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You can be rest assurred that through our service we will write the best admission essay for you. You feel hopeless, scared, angry, frustrated, alone and afraid. Going through a phase in life when you have a feeling of losing someone is hard to accept and it is much harder for an eight years old child. You feel as if the world had stopped and you could never move on in life. It is very painful to accept that you will no longer be able to see someone who was very close to the heart. I was crying while looking at the crowd of people that had clustered around the house by that time. The voices of the people echoed in my ear hauntingly. Their screams and shouts gave rise to my fear. I was horrified by the siren of the ambulance, the police car and the firefighters, the ringing of the phones of the crowd, the yelling, the cries, the increasing roar of the fire; everything added chaos to that place and frightened me even more.

Ghosts of smoke were drifting across the street. I smelled smoke. It was not heavy, but it had a pungent smell. I started to cough as the smoke enfolded me. The air surrounding me was becoming less breathable by the second. My mouth was filled with the bitter taste of the smoke. I wanted a draught of clean air to rinse out my polluted lungs. The cough had aggravated pain in my head. My eyes were becoming swollen and watery. Soon after, the fire got quite out of control as the whole house was on fire. The firefighters evacuated the street and told everyone to go inside their houses. In a few minutes, the house had been reduced to a pile of rubble, ashes, and smouldering wood and items. There was a rotting smell that took over the whole neighbourhood, like a bad barbeque party gone horribly wrong.

The smell was so overpowering that it took almost a week to get it out of my nose. That horrifying night of December still reminds me how valuable a person is in our life. If the firefighters were even one minute late in rescuing Emily, I would have lost my best friend that day. on Descriptive Essay House on Fire. This is a descriptive essay about my house. My House. Upon entering my house, you notice the mismatched brown and blue plaid couches under bare walls. A huge television blocks the only window in the room, with an old scratched coffee table groaning under a weeks worth of mail. The flames were rising high up towards the sky. Everybody feared that a big fire would spread in the whole colony. We got anxious to bring the fire under control. The wind fanned the flames. People want to put out the fire with buckets full of water and bags of sand.

The lady of the house was weeping bitterly. Her cries were heart-rending. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Descriptive Essay House on Fire. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Nov 13, Accessed January 7, com , Nov Kylie Harrison English October 8, Descriptive Essay It was a hot muggy afternoon during the early season of fall.

The wind was strong that day, the force blowing. An attractive woman is a woman who is attractive to you because she has certain attributes or she has certain inner qualities which appeal to your senses.

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